
货运类 is one of the main factors that will impact the cost of your business shipping. 通过正确分类你的货物, you can ensure you get the most accurate freight quote right from the beginning, while also avoiding costly delays and reclassification fees.

但是澳门威尼斯人直营网站分类, 虽然重要, can easily become confusing — especially if you’re dealing with a 基于密度的货运等级! Read on as 澳门威尼斯人直营网站 outlines everything you need to know about classifying your 密度-based freight shipments.


在你学会如何给你的货物分类之前, it’s important to make sure you understand terms like freight class, NMFC代码和密度. 继续往下读,跟上进度吧:


The commodity classification or “class” system was created by the National Motor 澳门威尼斯人直营网站 Traffic Association (NMFTA) as a way to standardize shipping costs across the freight industry. Based on a number of factors that determine how cost-effective it is to transport your shipment — including its 密度, 易装性, handling and liability — your freight will fall into one of 18 standard freight classes or 11 基于密度的货运等级es. A freight class can be assigned to almost anything — from raw materials to finished products — and ranges from class 50 (the least expensive) to class 500 (the most expensive). 每一类对应一个商品类别, such as car parts and accessories (class 60) or couches and stuffed furniture (class 175), 仅举几个例子. Learn more about freight classification in this short video.


Every commodity has both a freight class and a coordinating National Motor 货物分类 (NMFC) code. While freight class represents a limited number of broad commodity categories, 每个类都有多个NMFC代码, which relate to specific commodities within each category. 例如, while two different food items will both have a freight class of 70, 它们可能根据重量有独特的NMFC代码, 密度, 等.


许多商品被划分为特定的类别, 但对一些人来说, the class depends on the shipment’s 密度 (how heavy a freight shipment is relative to its size). Typically, the lower the 密度, the higher — and more expensive — the freight class will be. Commodity groups that have a wide range of possible densities — such as car parts or crated machinery — are assigned a 基于密度的货运等级. 如果你运送的物品大小不同, or if the number of items varies from shipment to shipment, your freight will likely be assigned a 密度-based classification.


Now that you understand the key terms, it’s time to walk through the classification process! To ensure you get the most accurate freight quote possible, it’s important to accurately calculate your shipment’s 密度 to determine freight class. 遵循以下步骤来确保你做对了:

1. 为您的货物找到正确的NMFC代码

The first step in classifying your shipment is to determine if it falls under a 基于密度的货运等级. To do this, you must identify which NMFC代码 corresponds to the commodity you wish to ship. 一旦你知道了NMFC代码, you will be able to determine if your commodity is classed based on 密度.

There are a number of ways to find the correct NMFC代码 for your freight. 服务包括 ClassIT can assist you in determining the appropriate code and class for your freight. You can also find the correct codes for your shipment on the NMFTA网站, 在官方的NMFC书或由 联系你当地的澳门威尼斯人直营网站办公室. Many times, the manufacturer of your goods can also help in determining the appropriate NMFC代码.

2. 准确称重和测量您的货物

Once you know that your shipment has a 基于密度的货运等级, 是时候确定它的重量和尺寸了. This information will be used to determine the shipment’s 密度.

It’s important to note that you pay for the space your freight takes up on the truck, 所以一定要仔细考虑你的包装. Experiment with using different containers to find what fits your shipment best — you want to package it as tightly as possible without risking damage. You should also avoid pallet overhang, which works against your shipment’s 密度, 除其他原因外.

在确定货物的重量和尺寸时, make sure to be precise and include any packaging in your calculations — even the pallet! Remember to round measurements to the nearest inch and weigh your shipment with an accurate shipping scale. 即使是很小的错误也可能导致错误的分类, which can lead to costly delays and reclassification fees.

3. 计算密度

接下来,你必须计算你的货物的密度. We know math can be a drag, but you can’t avoid this step! Use the following formula to calculate the 密度 of your shipment:

立方英寸除以1728 =立方英尺
货物重量除以立方英尺= 密度

If you’re trying to avoid reliving your pre-algebra days, you can also use 澳门威尼斯人直营网站’ handy 货运密度计算器澳门威尼斯人直营网站 customers can also simply enter the dimensions and weight of their shipment into my澳门威尼斯人直营网站™ to automatically calculate 密度.

4. 确定澳门威尼斯人直营网站等级

一旦你知道了货物的密度, you can then determine the appropriate freight class for your shipment. Then simply use this information when quoting and booking your shipment to ensure the most accurate freight quote possible!


While there are several aspects to navigating 基于密度的货运等级ification, one thing you don’t have to worry about is navigating it by yourself. 当你与澳门威尼斯人直营网站合作时, you get access to a dedicated team of shipping experts to answer all your freight shipping questions. 今天就联系我们开始吧!



Increasing freight rates have some shippers trying to avoid additional shipping costs by misrepresenting their shipments on their bills of lading (BOLs).
